The Woes and Whoas of April
almost 7 years ago
– Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 01:56:15 AM
Fair days, Cortex-Philes!
Many of you have asked about an update and so here is what's new and what's happening with Cortex Prime.
April has been an incredibly tough month, both production-wise and personally. Lots of family trials (parenting, pretty much), a massive snowstorm, and then there was the d12 Tax Day right in the middle of it, which mostly amounted to me spending over a week and a half reconciling things and taking care of finances before filing. Those of you who have been in this position know what a beast that is.
I was able to properly settle up all of the Spotlight freelancers and several other vendors, but together with the rewrites and additional development time needed after another round of playtesting, I have missed the promised April shipment deadline and I'm very sorry about that. I suppose I was being optimistic, but I also didn't entirely anticipate what a drain the business admin side of this was going to be (even after running several Kickstarters for other folks before now).
You may have noticed that I processed the BackerKit pledges, which was something the folks at BackerKit strongly suggested I do a couple of months in advance of fulfillment. Obviously this wasn't followed right away by a shipping notice, because the Game Handbook is still under development and editing. I'm happy with its final structure and I hope you'll also be glad of the added investment once you get your hands on it.
So what's next? Finalize the manuscript and put it into layout, add the art, proof the layout, and then pull the trigger on PDF delivery and print order. This seems entirely possible within May, but it may not be until sometime in June before physical books arrive to backers. I'll be more rigorous about updates so you know where things are, and once I have more things to preview to you I'll post those, also.
Thanks for your understanding and continued support of Cortex Prime. It makes me happy to see so many people already playing it even with a beta version of the rules, and I hope you're as thrilled with the final product as I am.