Day Nineteen: New Stretch Goal!
over 7 years ago
– Sun, May 28, 2017 at 02:15:48 PM
Ahoy, Cortex-Philes!
It's wonderful to see so many new backers and such excitement for the new Cortex Prime rules. Even more wonderful is knowing that because of your support, we've reached the $55,000 stretch goal and unlocked the third Prime Spotlight. This means more creative folks see their words in print and you get to enjoy all of it!
Prime Spotlight Volume Five
You've already been updated with the next Prime Spotlight stretch goal at $65,000, but that's not the end of what we have in store. This evening I'm pleased to reveal Volume Five in the Prime Spotlight series, set for $75,000. With twelve days to go in the campaign I know we can clear both of them!
Prime Spotlight Vol 5 includes the following creator-owned settings and sourcebooks:
Rob Justice's Safe Zone: A post-apocalyptic setting featuring community and settlement-building. Establish and defend your haven from the encroaching rot outside the walls, while you can.
Vivian Paul's Camp Bewilderwood: Play as young heirs to mythic bloodlines and power while forging radical friendships against cosmic evil.
Dacar Arunsone's Shards: In the near future, Earth has been conquered by body-snatching aliens. You play as near-invulnerable ex-cons, beneficiaries of unlicensed medical experiments and, unfortunately, humanity's last hope.
Rev. Becky N. Elfprincess' Bleed: A many-worlds sandbox setting where a select few heroic individuals exhibit extraordinary gifts as a result of the bleeding over of other realms, including the ability to slide between them.
Christopher Stone-Bush's Spellcaught: When you're a young witch in love, high school is the last thing on your mind. But despite evil magicians, rogue creatures, and double-crossing teachers, you still have to graduate.... and survive prom.
All the best,
Day Sixteen: Pledge Level Updates!
over 7 years ago
– Sun, May 28, 2017 at 02:14:59 PM
Ahoy ahoy, Cortex-Philes!
I'm posting this update from sunny Austin, TX where I'm a guest at ChupacabraCon IV. Earlier today the number of backers reached 1750, which means the backer goal was unlocked! This means I've now added some new pledge levels and the ability to add Prime Spotlights in print (softcover only) to your pledges.
New Pledge Levels
The new levels added are:
The Prime Hardcover Spotlight ($80) which includes the hardcover Game Handbook, the softcover System Reference, softcovers of each unlocked Prime Spotlight, and digital versions of all of these!
The Prime Spotlight Character Creator ($125) which includes everything in the Prime Hardcover Spotlight pledge level, plus an opportunity to work with me and a Prime Spotlight author to add an original character into a Prime Spotlight setting of your choice! You don't have to decide which Spotlight or what character until much later.
I've also added a section on the Campaign Page about adding more books to your pledge. It's as easy as going into your pledge manager and increasing your pledge amount by a number of $USD equal to the cost of the additional books. This means you can add more Game Handbooks, more System References, and even add one or more Prime Spotlight volumes to your pledge.
Maybe you really want a print version of a specific Prime Spotlight volume. Maybe you want to pick up a bunch of additional books for gifts or for your players. Or if you're a retailer, maybe you want to add another set of books. Just total up the amount and add it into the pledge amount, easy as that. We'll sort it all out later in BackerKit.
Once I'm back from the convention I'll be posting more of those content previews for you to see. I'm really thrilled at the reception so far to the draft SRD document and to that feline hero example character, so look for more of the same this coming week. And keep sharing the Kickstarter link if you're so inclined—I really do want to see us unlock more Spotlights before we're done!